Fast Fodd Nation Chapter 8 Summary


Chapter 8 of Fast Food Nation was a very interesting chapter. Reading this chapter I learned lot’s of important information. This chapter focuses on the treatment of meatpacking industry’s. This chapter relates a lot to chapter 7, it talks about how the meatpacking workers where treated very bad and owners didn’t care for their health. To me it was very disturbing how when a worker got serious injured, they would simply tell them that it was just a stretch muscle, and was told to just go home and rest it off and he or she will be OK. Meatpacking is consider the most dangerous job in the hole united states. Also, this chapter talks about that inside this companies, lot’s of bad things where happening like: sex for a better position, drug use, and other illegal activity. This meatpacking companies where basic just using their workers, they would use them till they couldn’t work no more then they where just replace. When a worker was badly injured they where demand to come back to work maybe the next day. Most of the workers where undocumented people, that didn’t know their right’s, and that’s why they got treated like animals. This chapter was little disturbing but real, thing’s like this happened; and may be happening right now.

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